Friday, April 1, 2011

Guess How Much I love You...

My most recent finished project is an adorable little pair of cargo shorties. I happen to think the combination of colors is absolutely perfect for a miniature person. Soft colors, but not too pastel, with just enough brown and natural to keep it from being too baby-ish. *sigh*  I might also happen to have a problem with over-thinking the gorgeous-ness of  yarn... maybe.
(It's ok to skim when I slip into yarn-love-mode)

The colorway, (by Family Roots ) is called This is How Much I Love you. If you or your little ones loved that book and read it 87,987,234 times it makes it that.much.better.

Last summer I made a bigger version of the same colorway. Subtle differences but they are mighty similar.

and someday I would  LOVE to try the girly version with pink - here is a picture of the yarn. It's bitty girly yarny perfection, no?

1 comment:

  1. I'm drooling over the lucious girly version. Would love to get me some of that!
