Friday, March 25, 2011

pink hearts

The best part about my "job" as a knitter is the gorgeous yarn that people send me to play with. The other best part is all the really wonderful people that I get to know all over the country. 'Pink Hearts' (from Family Roots) was for one of my very favorite new friends. She loves yarn and cute patterns as much as knitters everywhere (but doesn't knit so she still needs me -YAY!) I was thrilled to try this pattern for her. It's a Springtime in Hollis with Tessa Ann buttons that we both L.O.V.E.

We needed to keep some wee tootsie toes warm so I also made booties.

As a special treat my dear friend said to keep the leftovers for whatever my knitters heart could create with it. Since it wasn't enough for more real people clothes I opted to outfit Greta's new dolly, Elise. (Greta thinks she'll be getting the 5 year old version... I can't imagine coming upon leftovers that would work for that)

It makes me so happy to know that every inch of that gorgeous yarn became something lovely.